Join us from Wherever you are at!

If you want to build a

BIG business and a BIG LIFE -

You need to get into Motion.

Jessica Nieto has sold 1000's of listings in her career, 71 personal listing sales in the first 6 months of 2024, and this mastermind is her way of giving back to the industry by contributing to the professional development of other agents nationwide.

Join us for a brand agnostic real estate mastermind from wherever you are located! In today’s rapidly shifting real estate market, securing listings is more challenging—and more crucial—than ever.

This mastermind is your gateway to mastering the art of acquiring listings through innovative tactics and proven methodologies. Whether you're new to the industry or a seasoned agent looking to refine your skills, this session is tailored to inspire action and foster growth. You too can cultivate more listings and create a successful, scalable, sustainable, and profitable business.

Brilliant Minds & Big Hearts will Ignite Your Potential and Launch Success.

There are so many benefits from joining our community, here are three to get you started!

Expert Insights

Learn from Jessica Nieto and her network! Jessica is successful real estate broker who has consistently ranked in the top 1% of agents nationwide. Her unique strategies and practical advice are designed to give you a competitive edge. Leadership matters now more than ever, so jump into this room of leaders to sharpen your strengths and collaborate at the highest level!

Actionable Strategies

Walk away with concrete, actionable strategies that you can implement immediately to start seeing results in your business and life. From leveraging digital marketing, understanding the nuances of buyer and seller psychology, delivering exceptional service, and cultivating listings in any market, we cover what it takes to scale your real estate business in today's market.

Networking Opportunities

Connect with other motivated real estate professionals. Expand your network, exchange ideas, and uncover new opportunities in a collaborative environment. Our group spread out all over the country, creating a perfect environment for you to build your referral business without boundaries and gain insights from different areas and cultures across the globe!

Ignite Your Potential, and Launch Success with Movement Monday's!

Join us and transform the way you cultivate listings, negotiate deals, attract clients, differentiate yourself, and convert conversations into long time raving fans that bring you repeat business. Let's achieve success together. Register now to secure your spot!

Hear From Our Community Members

What happens when empathy, knowledge, honesty, collaboration, support, and community come together in one place? Magic. That’s what happens. The kind of magic that makes you feel empowered, capable, and ready to conquer anything. And... the confidence to know that you belong in ANY room. This is what I experience every time I am in a room with Jess Nieto and part of Momentum Monday!

Dustin Lewis

Create Realty Partners | Atlanta, GA

This mastermind is different than anything I've attended, the culture is so good. Jessica always brings the fire and is great at making us feel connected and empowered to take action! I like the fact that there are brand new agents and top producers in the room and we work together to solve problems, share ideas, and have access to the tools and experience that can help us get into action and get results in our business!

Michelle Smith

eXp Realty | Sacramento, CA

Jessica is THE REAL DEAL in real estate. She possesses the rare ability to have both the knowledge, and the personality (EQ & IQ) to recognize that she is working with PEOPLE. She is a master at relationships and can talk to and connect with absolutely anyone from any walk of life. You want a coach that tells you straight, even the parts you don't want to hear, a coach that not just tells you, but shows you the way.

Stacey Niermann

Nierrman Estates | Hungtington Beach, CA

Join Us This every Monday at 4 PM PT | 6 PM CT | 7PM ET Live on Zoom!

Ignite Your Potential and Launch Success with Momentum Mondays!

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